Blog Post #2: Technology Frameworks

Technology Frameworks, TPACK, and Self-Evaluation

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 Learning About Technology Frameworks

This week, I spent time learning about different technology frameworks. This was an interesting topic for me, considering the first teaching position I had was at a school that had 1:1 computers (before this was common). At the time, I wasn't sure how to implement all this great technology in the classroom. I felt as if I used technology "just to use it" and had no idea why I was using it. After learning about some of these frameworks, I continue to evaluate the tools I use in class and how they deliver the content to students through my chosen teaching strategy. I chose to learn more about TPACK and evaluate myself using this framework.

What is TPACK?

TPACK, or Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge, is a framework that analyzes how these 3 different areas work together to successfully use technology and deliver content in the classroom. It is important to note that the combination of these three knowledge areas will vary for each teacher and classroom.

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Content refers to the information and standards being taught in the class. Content will look different depending on the grade, subject, and standards. For example, the content for a middle school math class will not be the same as a content in a high school French class. Content is the knowledge the teacher has about what is being taught.


Pedagogy is how the content is taught. This the teacher's knowledge of learning strategies and methods to teach the content and ensure student understanding. This also includes planning lessons, assessing students, and knowing how students learn.


Technology is the tool to make the content accessible to students while it was being taught with the chosen learning strategy. (EX: Having students engage in an online group discussion about a math problem using an iPad). Technology should be used to deliver the content to the students using a strategy to learn the material.

 Knowledge Area Overlaps

When using TPACK, all 3 knowledge areas should overlap. This shows the teacher's understanding of how to integrate knowledge from the different areas in order to deliver a successful lesson.


As previously stated, I haven't heard about technology frameworks before, despite having been provided with 1:1 technology in my classroom my whole career. Looking at the TPACK framework, I think I've spent most of my time thinking about the "pedagogy" knowledge area. Being a special education teacher, I feel that my lessons are more focused on the "how" because of the diverse ways my students learn. I've focused on different learning strategies and tools to help students understand the content and my instruction. Even though I am progressing to use edtech with purpose, this is the area of TPACK in which I need to improve. I know how to use technology and understand how apps and programs work, but I want to work on really connecting the available technology with learning strategies and tools. For example, I have found that using a Chromebook, Co:Writer, and graphic organizer is exteremely useful for a student with a written expression need. This combination of technology, with my knowledge of the content and teaching strategies, has proved successful and empowering for my student. 

speech to text feature in Co:writer
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 Room to Grow

Going forward, I want to consider the TPACK model while developing my lessons, especially when implementing IEP accommodations and modifications. I think I will move more into the Technological Knowledge Area now that I have learned about technology frameworks and making sure content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge all overlap. I'm excited to move forward and use these ideas in my classroom.


Article Author Punya Mishra and Matthew Koehler. (n.d.). Too cool for SCHOOL? No way! ISTE. TPACK.ORG. (n.d.). 

YouTube. (2013). YouTube. 


  1. Hello Kate!

    In my blog post, I wrote about a different framework, so I really enjoyed yours because I got to learn more about TPACK. I'm a very visual learner, and that's something I enjoy about how the TPACK model is presented. It's super interesting your first school was a 1:1, if you don't mind me asking, what was the school or the district? My school is still not quite 1:1, and we are a public school that is highly rated, gets pretty good funding, is very progressive, etc. so I'm just always curious about schools that are.

    1. Sure! I first worked at New Tech @ Zion Benton East in Zion, IL. When I started there in 2011, all of the students in my class had a computer to use. A few years after, students all received Chromebooks. Going forward, the district has had 1:1 technology.

  2. Hey Kate -- Like you I also did not know anything about these initial frameworks, so it was interesting to learn about them. I also chose TPAK to investigate. Unlike you, I am not at a school where 1 to 1 devices are available, so incorporating technology looks a bit different in my school where we have to sign out laptop carts to make sure every student has access. When your school rolled on 1to1 devices, were teachers trained in how to incorporate their use in their classrooms? Did they come preloaded with apps and resources?

    1. Hi Kassandra!

      We did not get much training on how to best utilize them or what all the apps did. As the years passed, we did have a technology committee that helped to decide which programs we would like for our students, etc (with the help from our IT staff). It felt good to be included on that and also was helpful in learning the tech. Our computers had apps and programs (MacBooks) but then all students got Chromebooks. There were certain apps that were recommended for students and they used Google Drive for pretty much everything. I wish we could have had a PD on those resources. Looking back now, that would have been really useful! As time progressed in our district, there was more help with this.

  3. One of my favorite parts about TPACK is the emphasis about how we have to consider all 3 areas equally for technology to truly impact learning. Most of us has some knowledge about all three components but don't give great attention to the intersection of them. Thanks for a great explanation of each of the three components and the reflection about the area you look to improve.


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