Blog Post #10: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

 Looking Back, Looking Ahead

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It's hard to believe that this is the final week of EDU 776. This is my first course in my educational technology endorsement program, and I've already learned so much. Technology in education is complicated and ever-changing. There are many ideas and concepts I hadn't previously considered, and will now think about in my current position, as well as future ones.  

What I Learned

Although I've taught a technology class before, there are many new things I learned in this course. I never thought about the "why" of technology before. The activity that stood out to me the most was the technology framework assignment. Learning about TPACK was interesting, because it really made me reflect on the purpose of the technology in the classroom. I have always been lucky enough to have access to technology in my classrooms, and sometimes I wasn't sure how to implement the tools that I was provided. Going forward, I will make decisions on how to use laptops, iPads, and other tools and programs using this technology framework. 

New Tools

During this course, I also came across a lot of new tools. The one that was most helpful for me was using Twitter as a PLN. I was never really a Twitter user, but now that I know it can be used to connect with other educators, I'm open to it. The chat I participated in was a lot of fun and gave me a variety of new resources. I'm excited to participate in more chats and discuss topics with like-minded people.

I also really enjoyed using Flip-Grid to connect with colleagues and share ideas. Although I can't use this in my current teaching position, I will likely use it when I return to a public school setting. I hope we never have to go remote again, but this tool would be perfect for connecting with people when you can't in person. It was fun to participate in class with this tool.

Technology in Education

My views about technology in education haven't changed much, other than understanding more about how to better integrate it into the classroom. I've always been a huge fan of trying out new technology in my classroom, so I'm excited to have some more resources. Technology in the classroom is important for 21st century skills and also engages students. The idea I've thought about the most throughout this course is choosing technology with care, and understanding the purpose of it in each lesson. 

Final Thoughts

Looking back the the GIF from my first post, I still feel the same way. I'm excited by the thought of starting a new career, still in education, in the field of educational technology. This has long been something I've been interested in, and I finally found the time to go back to school to make it a reality. I'm excited to also share the information I've learned with other teachers and hopefully give professional development on some of these topics. Overall, this course has helped increase my knowledge about educational technology and was a great starting point for me in this program. I can't wait to see what I'll learn in my next class.

so excited GIFs - Primo GIF - Latest Animated GIFs
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